If you have been charged with assault and battery in Florida, you may be at risk of facing prison time, fines, and other penalties. To ensure that your rights are protected throughout the case, you need to hire an attorney who has experience in this practice area. Our firm understands the laws surrounding these charges, and we can help you minimize your chances of conviction.
Assault and battery charges apply when law enforcement officers believe that you have intentionally threatened violence or performed an act of violence against another person. Some of these charges will qualify as misdemeanors, while others will be categorized as felonies. Felonies carry more significant penalties than misdemeanors.
If you trust our firm to represent you in your case, we will begin by taking the time to learn about all the details and review the evidence so we can provide you with the best representation possible. Regardless of the circumstances, our team will treat you with compassion and respect at all times. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve the best outcome in your unique case.
If you are facing assault or battery charges, you need a qualified Florida attorney on your side. Contact us today to make an appointment.
521 North Adams Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301